“We create a world where security is a top priority, where every individual feels protected and can thrive in a secure environment and achieve a full live.”

SAC Defense Team

Things We do for you…

School Security Services

From weapon-detecting security systems to crisis preparedness and response, we have the security solutions schools need with a wide of comprehensive K-12 prevention education programs.

Security Consulting and Training

We offer various degrees of specialized security consulting, including thorough risk analysis, corporate trainings, and detailed security planning. Security consulting can also be provided worldwide.

Security Detection Solutions

X-ray scanners and metal detector event security rentals, sales, and service. You can choose to get rental security equipment and devices, or eventually buy the ones that you need most through our company.

Their words tell you more about us

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Bryan Cooper

CEO/ Accurate Systems Inc

Francisco Cordova has a deep scelerisque fringilla. Aliquam id lectus in elit rutrum tristique. Fusce id urna id odio vulputate vehicula eu non ligula volutpat lectus in, rhoncus velit.

Stella Argent

Marketing Head / Diamler Holding

Our School Safety Initiatives

School Safety: Six Design Initiatives for Increased Security

“SAFE” (Schools Against Firearms and Endangerment) program, is designed to proactively address the issue of firearms in schools, enhancing overall safety within educational institutions.

Metal Detector and A.I. STEM Courses, are designed for middle and high school students that will complete hands-on activities introducing them to electronics , coding and A.I. focused on security solutions.

GUN-INspector is a state-of-the-art bags and bagpacks Gun metal detector technology for enhanced weapon detection protecting your school or business.

Consulting and implementation on a wide range of affordable and reliable x-ray scanners and metal detectors solutions that help take the guesswork out of school security.

A.I. Mental Health Support Chatbot is a confident online service to identify potential threats or individuals displaying troubling behavior with a focus on early intervention and support for emotional well-being.

A.I. Gun Detection Algorithm Software is machine learning implementation to stop gun-related violence by identifying visible guns and assault rifles to save time and save lives. X-Ray Screener Assist Algorithm is also available to protect your school or business.